Course Analytics

for Oregon State University's Computer Science Post-Bacc Program

Lower Division

Core Class

CS 225

Discrete Structures in Computer Science

Data Summary





Hours per Week


/ 5.0 Difficulty

Common Pairings

CS 161:

127 times

CS 162:

23 times

CS 165:

19 times

Tips from Students

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WI 202413-18 hours/week3 / 5 CS 161

This course is difficult, but once you get on a roll in the class it starts to get easier. Go to Dr.V's office hours. He will work through full problems. Lowest HW and Quiz are dropped so there is room for error in the class. Also, use outside resources like Brehem youtube videos to get a good grasp of the material.

Submitted Thu Mar 21 2024

WI 20246-12 hours/week3 / 5 CS 161

My previous ME degree helped gear me up for this class, and it was comparatively easy when stacked against some of me previous ME courses. Now, that being said, life got in the way and I began struggling to get everything done each week. General STEM course rules apply - start early, and give yourself time to stew on and come back to a question. I was only able to make it to one office hour session, but it was very helpful. I like reading the text, and was able to develop decent understanding from that, but the reading would often take me all weekend to complete (I'm a slow reader). I'd recommend reading. There are many homework problems that are almost straight copies of those in the text, and if not other examples are usually given. Suck up the pride and post early on when you get stuck. Profs were very accommodating of my life circumstances - as with in the professional world, communicate early and often. One assignment is dropped.

Submitted Wed Mar 06 2024

FA 202318+ hours/week4 / 5 CS 161

I found this class challenging and extremely time-consuming. Prepare to study/do homework for ~30 hours a week during the hardest units if you're like me and don't have a strong math background. Absolutely attend Dr. Vakalis's office hours whenever you can. Dr. Ehsan is kind and helpful with questions as well. I also recommend skipping the recorded lectures and just learning from the textbook/youtube. I ended up with an A- in the class, partially because the grading on the final was very lenient.

Submitted Tue Dec 19 2023

FA 202318+ hours/week4 / 5 CS 290

Skim the book for formula and examples, watch ALL the videos often there is a problem done there. Make sure you try to attend as many office hours as you can. Find a TA you like and stick with them. It is a doable class, but often the material in conveyed in a poor way in the book. The book is dense, instead look for a view youtubers who are teachers, some very good ones out there.

Submitted Tue Nov 28 2023

WI 202313-18 hours/week2 / 5 CS 161

Practice algebra before starting this course. Attend Vakalis' office hours to make sure your homework grade is good. Don't waste too much time trying to learn from the book or modules-just find what the topic is by skimming, then to watch some youtube videos over the topic from a real teacher. It'll save you a ton of time, and you can go back to revisit the book and modules as needed. The final exam was easier than any of the assignments.

Submitted Thu Jul 13 2023

WI 202313-18 hours/week3 / 5 CS 161

Conceptually the material isn't difficult, there's just a lot of busy work plus assignments should be typed. Don't waste time with latex, word gets you the same results with 10% of the effort. Don't bother with the lecture videos the book is adequate. Always look up answers online before submitting to not lose easy points, plus those explanations are usually more descriptive than the book's answer key. The final was easier than the assignments.

Submitted Thu Jun 22 2023

SP 20236-12 hours/week3 / 5 CS 161

Make time for this course! Looking back, the material wasn't that difficult, but you will move through topics quickly and the homework assignments are very time consuming. The most important thing to focus on is formatting similar to the instructor example problems, as that is where most points are lost. I did not take advantage of office hours, but I heard really good things about Dr. V. Also, utilize the class discord for support from other students.

Submitted Wed Jun 21 2023

SP 202313-18 hours/week5 / 5

This was my first term at OSU Ecampus. I work full time and initially registered for both CS161 and CS225, but chose to drop 161 after a few weeks so I could focus all my attention on CS225. I'm glad I did.

Submitted Mon Jun 19 2023

SP 20236-12 hours/week3 / 5 CS 161

The only difficulty in this class is the pace of the work and amount of it. If you're working full time and taking another class this will be very difficult for you. It was pretty overwhelming for me working part time and I'm very comfortable with algebra. I did learn a lot but it felt like I only knew what I was working on that week until I studied for the final and it all came together. Go to Vakalis' office hours even if you have to take off work. Or hopefully someone can record them and share them with you. They are invaluable and I would even say you have to go to them. Worth every penny.

Submitted Mon Jun 19 2023

Winter 202313-18 hours/week4 / 5

Start all the assignments as early as possible and get comfortable with Latex! I used Overleaf for assignments and tests and it was super helpful. Also, brushing up on college algebra really is helpful. I wish I didn’t have to spend as much time reviewing college algebra when completing some of the longer proofs!

Submitted Mon Apr 10 2023

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Course Analytics was developed for students of Oregon State University's online Computer Science program. The data on difficulty, time commitments, course pairings, and tips have been submitted by real students using this survey. Feel free to add your own reviews if you are a current student! The data is scraped from this spreadsheet.

Course Analytics is an open source project by Nic Nolan.
View the repository on GitHub